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    Virtual Macroeconomic Simulation Portal

    Simulation excellence for consumers, corporations and governmental institutions read more


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Rolesia.com Corporate - Enterprise & Governmental Version

Rolesia.com Corporate - Enterprise & Governmental Version

This is an enterprise version of the software for our private corporate and public institution customers.
Both companies, as well as governmental institutions, can use this software to train employees to get a feeling of how economies work, based on many key macroeconomic indicators.
The questions any company or governmental institution needs to ask themselves are:

- How can managers make the right decisions if their knowledge is mainly in the field of microeconomics?
- How can the state of the economy affect the results of this company?

A trainee will become familiar with the challenges posed by macroeconomics by learning to steer an economy with the various policy tools provided: i.e. interest rates, fiscal policies etc.
There are many factors which have a major effect on the economy: international economic developments, the US economy, oil prices, etc, as well as national factors such as domestic demographic trends.

In the Corporate version there is a further administration or coaching area level to enable coaches to monitor the results of the trainees using the simulation.

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Rolesia.com Corporate - The multi-tenancy coaching area

The coaching area for corporate customers is where you can allocate users within your dedicated domain. You define how many simulating trainees you need within your group. Each simulator will compete on the basis of the baseline and starting point in 1980 and the same group-external factors and without random variables. The coach can follow the progress of each and all users and prepares them for the next simulation cycle - which in Rolesia.com is the new year.

Rolesia.com Framework - Customization required?

Companies and Governmental institutions can also choose apart from the Corporate WEB version the dedicated FRAMEWORK version, whereby the customer can have a local installation and adapt the software, algorithms according to the requirements of the private or corporate entity.

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 Rolesia.com Framework

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